Monday, April 20, 2009
Free Comic Day
Friday, April 10, 2009
Order of the Stick comic homage.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Repentance of Solitude
Repentance of Solitude
The giant beast lay unusually still, it’s eyes shut tight to the outside world. Normally when it slept, the ancient wyrm shifted periodically, and it’s torso bobbed with deep, rhythmic breaths. Now though, it’s reptilian form merely lay there, making no profound movements, just breathing, barely. Its chest heaved sporadically, providing the beast with barely enough life giving air to sustain itself.
Soon, the beast knew, soon it’s spirit would leave it’s corporeal body, a body too old and tired to contain it’s contentious essence, and pass to another existence, an unknown existence. For the first time in all it’s life the great beast was truly afraid. Never before had it been threatened with it’s life. Always it had been the predator. Deer, moose, men monsters, anything stupid enough to venture too close to it’s clawed appendages and toothed maw.
Even when meals didn’t deliver themselves to it’s door step, the enormous, black beast would leave it’s cave, rising high into the clouds on leathery wings. With barely any effort the beast would glide around, searching for prey with it’s keen senses. Senses far superior to any predator, for it was the predator of all predators. Protected by a scale armored hide which was nearly invulnerable, the beast feared no harm. Complimenting this armor were equally impressive weapons; claws the length of a sword and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, easily the length of an average man’s leg and more. Anything that lived was for the taking. None could hope to oppose him.
Although it had only been a few years since his last hunting foray, the beast thought it to be a very long time in the past. The years had finally caught up to him. He had lived well over a millennium; had watched the rise of the great elven and Dwarven kingdoms, the upbringing of the human race, and so many wonderful wars! But that was long ago, before time had caught him in it’s web. Before his fangs began to rot and his scales became brittle. Even his dreaded breath, once a deadly stream of the most potent acid known to the world, had been lost, replaced by a mere dribble of fluid, no more dangerous than that found in a common fruit.
The dragon’s eye lids slid open slowly and the round, black orbs, roughly the diameter of a wagon’s wheel, rolled around in their sockets, scanning it’s lair. It hadn’t always been like this, the beast thought. Before he had taken occupancy of the vast, underground cavern, it had been merely that. An empty cavern, it’s rough walls and ceiling containing nothing but hollow silence.
It had been so long ago when the cavern had been discovered, the giant, black, wyrm, barely six decades out of the egg at the time, had found the cave during it’s youthful roaming of the world and made it a lair. Having established a permanent residence, the dragon became able to do more than simply survive, there was suddenly time for more unconventional pursuits. He had decided to begin a trophy collection, something to symbolize his victory every time he devoured a creature. And so it began, objects of every size and shape were brought back to the cavern. Thinking back to those younger days the ancient wyrm remembered how quickly the cavern had become stuffed with the majority of it’s current treasures. If his withered body would have allowed it he would have grinned evilly at the thought of all the feasting he had done on the weaker beings in the area and of the wealth that had grown with his girth.
Without warning, the ancient beast’s monstrous chest was shot with immense pain, that which the wyrm had never experienced before. His great lungs refused to bring in any air, frozen like a polar iceberg. The giant beast writhed in agony, the last of it’s precious energy sending jewel encrusted swords, ornamental goblets and pieces of armor flying about the cavern in a spray of gold and silver coins. Slowly, the lair began to dim considerably, his vision began to blur and the beast realized that his body was threatening to cease all operations and cast his spirit into the unknown. With a tremendous show of will, he forced himself out of his semiconscious state and returned to full, if not very exhausted, consciousness. Refusing to give in to nature’s calling, his body fell back to the ground, and his chest heaved as he gasped, filling his deprived lungs with air once more. His vision cleared and the cavern slowly came back into focus as he held on stubbornly.
Suddenly, a though hit him, as if one of the many stalactites hanging above him had fallen, smashing into his skull. What, exactly, was he holding on to? The question seemed so simple, yet, he found it difficult to find an answer. Everything he was and had ever been, told him that he was holding on to the only thing that meant anything, his power, his wealth, and his dignity. Slowly, he began to realize that that was not true though. He began to realize that he no longer had any power. His body, the tool that brought his power, was a mere shell of it’s former condition and would never serve him again. Wealth, he realized with horror, was completely worthless to him. Even when he was in good health, he had no need for material riches when he could simply take anything he wanted. All his life he had wasted his time building his horde, thinking it to be a show of power. Now he realized though, that it was merely a show of his selfish greed. Even if gold was a show of power, nobody had ever seen his treasures and lived to spread the word.
One, single, pointed, though struck deeply into the beast’s very being. A thought so devastating that his heart skipped several, precious beats upon it’s realization. He was about to die alone. In his life he had been so obsessed with filling his stomach, and building his treasure horde, that he had neglected to ever exchange thoughts and ideas with any other living being, fellow dragon or other wise.
The emptiness that had always been there, yet had always been ignored, rushed through him. As if his heart had been ripped from his breast and, a sword plunged into it, the hollowness of his existence struck a deep, painful wound, far worse than anything physical ever could.
The volume of that emotional wound weighed heavily on the beast’s health. Possibly even more than time had, for after only a few short days, the mighty beast’s reign of terror ceased in a pathetic display of mental pleas to any god who might be listening. The prayers were never answered and in the early glow of a frigid autumn morning, the dragon’s giant, black, heart beat it’s last beat. The beast gave in to nature this time. It’s enormous head lolled to the side and it’s, now dull eye released the only tear it had ever known. His last thoughts before darkness swallowed him were of how it might have been if he had not destroyed every being he had encountered. What would death be like then? The last sound issued from his once, powerful lungs, was not the thunderous roar that the world had once feared, but the mournful sobbing of one who had always been, and would now always be, alone.
Outside the Pride of Waterdeep Inn the temperature was dropping rapidly, as the sun had fallen behind the horizon a few hours ago. It was fast approaching late autumn and although the hour was late, many merchants were still going about their business, eager to secure their shipments before the winter hit in full and the shipping ceased. The sky was without stars this windy night, shut out by the approaching storm that closed in on the city from the north. The unusual blackness of the sky and the gusting, howling wind made the outdoors seem most uninviting.
Within the sturdy walls of the Pride of Waterdeep, though, the patrons of the inn were in a joyous state. All of them with the exception of one. An elf. A most unusual individual to be unengaged in the festivities about him, yet he was quite removed from the cheers, toasts to friends, and laughter that filled the place. Off at a corner table, all alone sat the elf. He was of normal height and build for an elf with nothing remarkable about
him, save his long, silvery hair and his stern, piercing silver gaze.
His only company was the tall bottle of elvin wine, and a long sword lying unsheathed, next to it's scabbard upon the small, round table. The elf sat perfectly still, staring at the sword before him. His only movements were to take an occasional, deep swallow from the open bottle which, was now, nearly half empty.
Off to the side, a barmaid approached the small, wooden table that the elf occupied. Too far into his own thoughts, the normally alert elf was oblivious to her advance. Standing directly beside the elf, the barmaid reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned closer meaning to whisper into his delicate ear.
Suddenly the elf snapped back to his immediate surroundings. Without hesitation he sprang from his chair, snatching the sword from the table as he rose. The unfortunate barmaid soon found herself lying flat on her back with the elf poised above her, his eyes full of blazing hatred, and his sword resting on her collar bone, it's tip scratching her throat.
The taproom became suddenly quiet, as the patrons considered the comotion and it's source. The elf sensed all those eyes glaring at him and forced himself to relax his sword. The barmaid's fear showed plainly upon her face and for many uncomfrotable moments, even when the elf returned the sword to the table, she lay there, not daring to move. Neither did the eyes of the crowded room move, staying firmly fixed upon the very odd, and seemingly hostile, elf.
Becoming very uncomfortable under the stares, the elf turned his discomfort into anger and vented it on the unfortunate woman, who was still lying at his feet.
"Damned human, don't ever sneak up on me like that again. It is a very good way to end your pathetic existence." With that the elf spun around and seated himself back at his table, returning to his lucidity.
Completely shocked the woman sat there dumbly for a moment more. Then, she burst into tears as she scrambled to her feet and ran back to the kitchen. Another barmaid followed her into the kitchen, and a dark scowl etched itself into the bartender's face as he looked on. The crowd continued it's silent observation of the situation, as if they expected something more to occur.
This went on for several more seconds, the grouping in the taproom gazing at the elf, and the elf, in return, ignoring the fact that they even existed. Suddenly the silence was shattered when a dwarf stood upon his table and held his mug up bellowing,"Give me another mug 'o mead, real mead this time not this watered down orc piss."
The gathering relaxed at that, some even chuckling at the obviously intoxicated dwarf - the chuckles inevitably received a threatening glare from the aggravated dwarf. The bartender was unsure if he should be grateful to the dwarf for breaking the tension, or if he should be offended by the dwarf's accusation. With a shrug he poured a tall glass of his strongest mead, promptly sending it to the dwarf's table. His bar was far more important than a drunken dwarf's opinion of his mead.667

Last night I was sifting through some old-old papers and books in my office and ran across some treasures that I have not laid eyes on in over twelve years. Every time I see these three numbers I always remember good times in the company of friends. 667, Neighbor of The Beast Productions was the brain trust of three like minded and very talented people. It was an ambitious project that unfortunately never really got off the ground but it was a really fun project to work on. The basic principal of the endeavor was to produce and self-publish our writing possibly making a profit in the process. It's too bad that a group of young adults with no professional experience or contacts just did not know the first thing about how to go about making it work. In any event, I have put up a few samples of what we did those years ago for nostalgia. Any of the original authors are more than welcome to have all of the work that I have collected sent to them and you also have the right to have me take your entry off of this page. I hope you are more flattered than angry!
Neighbor collaboration
THE RIDE- by A.C. Baker
and J.A. Chesney
One way or another, everyone goes for the ride.
For some, the ride is short
For others, long.
Most all of us fear the end.
Because we know it’s a one way trip.
No one gets off ‘till it’s over,
And no one ever comes back.
Some find great wealth along the way,
Some find gutters to sleep in.
The ride itself is different for us all,
But the end result is always the same.
Be you man, boy, woman, or girl
You are already on the ride,
But none of us are really in the drivers seat.
And we’ll all find out what the end is...
...Soon enough.
E.P. Schudlich
“Life, what is it worth? Is death the most terrible thing?” I think many people have pondered over these two simple questions. Many of these people probably faced great dispair or tragedy at the time they questioned life and its worth. I believe that life is very cheap and pointless. One lifeform feeds off another in an endless circle. Like a dog chasing it’s tail, life is completely without meaning. Organisms, no matter how simple or complex, are born only to die after a short period of life. To me, life is utterly worthless because it is so unnecessary. In the eyes of the eternal universe, life is nothing but cheap fodder to be thrown to the hungry jaws of death. And what of death? Is it the most terrible thing? I would say that death is not the most terrible thing to be faced in life. Rather, it’s the anguish and suffering, both mental and physical, that’s endured while living that is most terrible. Life fears death because physical pain is associated with it, but once life becomes death what difference does it make?
E. Schudlich III
J.A. Chesney
Right! - by J.A. Chesney
You’re always right,
And whether you’re right
or exactly right,
You’re still right.
But sometimes you’re just right,
But right just the same,
And sometimes you’re quite right,
But never almost right,
And NEVER like me,
Because you’re right,
And when you’re right,
you’re right.
And you,
You’re always right.
1996- by J.A. Chesney
I don’t want to see what will be,
Don’t want to know what lies ahead
One more year, will it ever get better?
I don’t think it will
New years kisses,
Lots of beer and champagne,
But not one kiss,
And not a drop for me
I don’t want to do it all over again,
One more year,
I’m tired, I’m alone,
Tears drying in my eyes,
Happy new year
A.C. Baker
ALONE- by A.C. Baker
No thoughts.
No wants.
No desires.
Only breathing.
Heart slowing.
Slower still.
No tears.
WAR - by A.C. Baker
On the ground, there he lay.
With nowhere to go, nothing to say.
Blood was soaked into the stone,
The bodies around him were nothing but bones.
There in the silence he wanted to cry,
Not one tear left his eye.
He rose to his feet and looked around,
The carnage he saw held him spellbound.
One by one shots were fired,
The ending result was what he desired.
He fell to the ground, his soul was gone.
And with his death, came the dawn.